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State level Single window approval related (KUM)
District level Single window approval related (DICs)
Department level
Incentive related
Fees related
Select District
Bengaluru Rural
Bengaluru Urban
Dakshina Kannada
Uttara Kannada
Select Department
Airports Authority of India (AAI)
Bangalore Development Authority (BDA)
Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited (BESCOM)
Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB)
Bengaluru Metropolitan Region Development Authority (BMRDA)
Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP)
Bureau of Indian Standards
Center for Materials for Electronics Technology
Central Drugs Standards Control Organization (CDSCO)
Chamundeshwari Electricity Supply Corporation Limited (CESCOM)
Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL), which has been recognised by the Reserve Bank as issuer of LEI
Commercial Courts of Karnataka
Commercial Tax Department / Professional Tax Department
CSG (Construction Permits)
Department for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME)
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, G2B Portal
Department of Town and Country Planning
Department of Electrical Inspectorate (KSEI)
Department of Information Technology and Biotechnology (ITBT)
Department of Stamps and Registration
Department of Telecommunications
Department of Tourism
Department of Town and Country Planning
Director General of Posts and Graphs, Department of Telecommunications
Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Ministry of Commerce and Industries, Govt. of India
Directorate Of Municipal Administration (DMA)
Drug Control Department
Employees State Insurance Corporation, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India
Excise Department
Factories, Boilers, and Industrial Safety department
Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), India, Ministry of Finance
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)
Forest Department
General Manager or Deputy General Manager of the Department of Banking Operations and Development,at Regional offices of the RBI
Goods and Services Tax
Gulbarga Electricity Supply Company Limited (GESCOM)
Home Department
Home/Revenue Department
Hotels and Restaurants Division, Ministry of Tourism
Import and Registration
Income Tax Department
Information Technology & Biotechnology
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
Karnataka Ground Water Authority (KGWA)
Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB)
Karnataka Mediation Center
Karnataka State Coastal Zone Management Authority
Karnataka state department of agriculture (KSDA)
Karnataka State Fire and Emergency Services (KSFES)
Karnataka State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB)
Karnataka State Small Industries Development Corporation (KSSIDC)
Karnataka Udyog Mitra
Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board (KUSWDB)
Labour Department
Legal Metrology
Mines & Geology
Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climat Change
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas State Government or District Magistrate
Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Ministry of Textiles
Ministry of Tourism
National Automative Board (NAB)
National Drugs Regulatory Body, The Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO)and the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI)
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) / Public Works Department (PWD)
National Monuments Authority
Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks.
Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO)
Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL)
Public Works Department (PWD)
Regional Transport Office (RTO)
Registrar of the companies (ROC)
Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Revenue Department
Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (RDPR)
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Software Technology Parks of India (STPI)
Stamps & Registration
State Excise Department
State Pollution Control Board
The Automotive Research Association of India
The Indian Performing Right Society (IPRS)
TransUnion CIBIL Limited
Water Resources Department
Service Name
Select Service
A foreign company can start operations in India by registration of its company under the Indian Companies Act 1956.
Allotment of Land
Allotment of land/shed allotment in Industrial Area
Amendment of firm, dissolution and re-constitution of firm
Amendment of License
Amendment of License Issued to Dealer of Weights & Measures
Amendment of License Issued to Repairer of Weights & Measures
Amendment of memorandum of association
Amendment of name, rules and regulations
Amendment of Registration Certificate Issued to Importer of Packaged Commodities
Amendment of Registration Certificate Issued to Manufacturer of Packaged Commodities
Amendment of Registration Certificate Issued to Packer of Packaged Commodities
Amendments of Registration and License - BOCW
Amendments of Registration and License - Contract Labour
Amendments of Registration and License - ISMW
Amendments of Registration and License - Shops & Esablishment
Annual Filings
Application for construction of semi-permanent cinema building
Application for construction of semi-permanent cinema building
Application for grant of licence under Insecticide Act,’68 for manufacture, storage, and sale of insecticides & pesticides & renewal
Application for grant of license for Touring cinema
Application for grant of license for Touring cinema
Application for license for Permanent Cinema or Multiplex
Application for license for Permanent Cinema or Multiplex
Application for license-Drive-in Cinemas
Application for license-Drive-in Cinemas
Apply for PAN
Apply for TAN
Approval of Location of Permanent Cinemas or Multiplex
Approval for Regulatory Sandbox
Approval of Boiler and Pressure part Manufacturing drawing/Steam pipeline and pipeline layout drawings
Approval of building constructed-Semi-permanent Cinemas
Approval of building constructed-Semi-permanent Cinemas
Approval of drawings of the electrical installation (Industrial Installations only)
Approval of Location of Permanent Cinemas or Multiplex
Approval of Permanent Cinema or multiplex building constructed
Approval of Permanent Cinema or multiplex building constructed
Approval of plan and permission to construct/extend/or take into use any building as a factory under the Factories Act, 1948
Approval of Plan of Building of permanent cinema or multiplex
Approval of Plan of Building of permanent cinema or multiplex
Approval of Plan of Building of permanent cinema or multiplex
Authorization applications under Construction and Demolition waste Management Rules, 2016
Authorization under Hazardous Waste (all categories)
Automotive Industry Standard (AIS) certificate
BIS Product certification
Brand Owner Registration
Building License/Permit
Building License/Permit - Building Plan Approval
Building License/Permit - Building Plan Approval
Building License/Permit - Building Plan Approval
Building License/Permit - Commencement Certificate/ Plinth Inspection
Building License/Permit - Commencement Certificate/ Plinth Inspection
Building License/Permit - Commencement Certificate/ Plinth Inspection
Building License/Permit - Occupancy Certificate
Building License/Permit - Occupancy Certificate
Building License/Permit - Occupancy Certificate
Building License/Permit (Building Plan Approval, Commencement Certificate/ Plinth Inspection, Occupancy Certificate)
Cenral Motor Vehicel Rules (CMVR) Type approvalof various Vehicle categories
Certificate for recognition as Boiler Erector or Repairer
Certificate of Grading
Certificate of non availability of water
Certificate of non-availability of water
Certificate of non-availability of water
Certificate of non-availability of water
Certificate of non-forest land.
Certificate of Registration
Certificate of Registration as Portfolio Manager
Certificate of Registration of Credit Information Companies (CICs)
Certificate of Registration to commence / carry on the business of a Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) - under Section 45-IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
Certificate of Registration/Recognition
Change in Land use/ NA Conversion
Change of Land Use
Change of Land Use
Change of Land Use
Classification/Re-classification of Operational Hotels under 4 Star, 5 Star, 5 Star Deluxe
Clearance Certificate for High Rise Buildings
Clearance Certificate for Highrise Buildings
Clearance from the National Monuments Authority
Commencement Certificate/ Plinth Inspection
Commercial Courts to hear and resolve commercial disputes
Consent for Establishment/Expansion under Water & Air Act (all categories)
Consent for Operation under Water & Air Act
Construction Permit
Construction Permit - Building Plan Approval
Construction Permit - Commencement Certificate/ Plinth Inspection
Construction Permit - Occupancy Certificate
Construction Permit (Building Plan Approval, Commencement Certificate/ PlinthbInspection, Occupancy Certificate)
Conversion of Land for Non-Agricultural Purpose - Approvals
e-Khata Transfer
Electrical Drawing Approval (New connection & DG Set)
Electrical Safety NOC for increase in load
Employee State Insurance Code
Encumbrance Certificate
Environment Clearance
Excise Verification/Renewal Certificate
Export permit for IMFL
Export permit for Spirit
FAME India Scheme Phase II Certificate
Filing Annual Returns
Filling/Returns under Labour Laws
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): - Automatic Route - No Approval required from Government of India for the investment - Approval Route - Government Approval in Annexure-2
FSSAI Registration of Establishment (FSSAI Registration)
Grant of license for local sale (all categories)
Grant of license-Temporary Cinemas
Grant of license-Temporary Cinemas
HT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for RAPDRP regions
HT Connection for RAPDRP regions
IEC Certificate (Import Export Code Certificate)
Import permit for IMFL
Import permit for Spirit
In Principal Approval
Incentive under the Scheme for Promotion of Manufacturing of Electronic Components and Semiconductors (SPECS)
Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM)
Information Memorandum for Installation of textile machinery
Inspection carried out for (a) Road Cutting (b) Restoration
Inspection carried out for (a) Road Cutting (b) Restoration
Inspection carried out for (a) Road Cutting (b) Restoration
Inspection carried out for (a) Road Cutting (b) Restoration
Inspection carried out for (a) Road Cutting (b) Restoration
Inspection carried out for (a) Road Cutting (b) Restoration
Integration with construction permit platform using API
Issue of Boiler Certificate on Annual inspection
Issue of Commissioning Approval (New connection & DG Set)
Issue of Manufacturing License for NPK Mixture Fertilizers
Issue of New License to Dealer of Weights & Measures
Issue of New License to Manufacturer of Weights & Measures
Issue of New License to Repairer of Weights & Measures
Issue of New Registration Certificate to Importer of Packaged Commodities
Issue of New Registration Certificate to Importer of Packaged Commodities
Issue of New Registration Certificate to Manufacturer of Packaged Commodities
Issue of New Registration Certificate to Packer of Packaged Commodities
Issue of Performance Certificate
Issue of Possession Certificate
Issue of Verification & Stamping Certificates for Traders of Weights & Measures
Khata Transfer
Label Approval out of state (Annual Registration)
Label Approval outside country (Annual Registration)
Label Brand Approval for Distillery/Brewery/ Winery (Perpetual)
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Letter for distance from forest
Licence for Performances, Events (Playing Live or Recorded Music) at Different Venues
Licence for sale and use of Solvents, Raffinates and Slops and other products
Licence or certificate of conformity
Licences/Authorisations required for sale/ storage of fertilisers under Essential Commodities Act, 1955
License for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
License for Importing of Drugs
License or permission for the establishment of a new industrial undertaking or any substantial expansion of / or the production or manufacture of any new article in an industrial undertaking
License renewal under state excise for local sale
License to possess a wireless telegraphy apparatus
License to possess a wireless telegraphy apparatus
License to Run Lift/Escalator and Passenger Conveyor
License under the Inter State Migrant Workmen (RE&CS) Act, 1979
LT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for Non-RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for RAPDRP regions
LT Connection for RAPDRP regions
Manufacturer/importer of medical devices to apply for grant of non conviction certificate to Licensing authority for tender/procurement purposes
Market Standing Certificate & Non conviction certificate for Licensed Medical Devices
Membership of Credit Information Companies (CICs) - TransUnion CIBIL Limited (Formerly known as Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited) (CIBIL)
Mining lease/ Composite Licence/ Non-exclusive Reconnaissance Permit
New Khata
New Khata
New Khata
New License of Manufacturing of Drugs
New Tap/Water Connection
New Water Connection
New Water Connection
No Objection Certificate (NOC) for height clearance
NOC for Banks and Financial Institutions
NOC for Ground water usage
NoC for High Rise Buildings
NoC for High Rise Buildings
NoC for water abstraction from Ground Water Authority
NoC required for setting up of explosives manufacturing, storage, sale, transport
NoC required for setting up of petroleum, diesel & Naphtha - storage, sale, transport
Obtaning GSTIN
Occupancy Certificate
Other Service Provider (OSP) License
Patent Registration
Payment of water bill
Payment of water bill
Payment of water bill
Performance Evaluation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical devices
Permission for Highway Crossing
Permission for water supply connection
Permission to draw water from river/public tanks
Permission to Erect Lift/Escalator and Passenger Conveyor
Permission To Import Or Manufacture A New Drug Or To Undertake Clinical Trial
Permission to import or manufacture a new In Vitro Diagnostic (IVD) medical device
Permission to import or manufacture new medical device
Permission to import or manufacture new medical device
Permission/ Clearance for abstraction of ground water/ drilling for Industrial purposes
Permission/ Clearance for abstraction of ground water/ drilling for Industrial purposes
Permission/Approval for Mobile Tower
Permission/Approval for Mobile Tower
Permissions u/s 109 of KLR Act to purchase Land
Possession Certificate for Sites
Private Limited Company - Approval for Name
Profession Tax Enrollment Certificate (PTEC)
Project Approval of Hotels
Property Registration
Property Tax Payment
Property Tax Payment
Property Tax Payment
Property Tax Payment
Property Tax Payment
Public Performance License / Background Licence
Public Performance of Music
Refreshment Room (Bar) Licence
Registration Certificate for import of drugs into India
Registration for Bio-Medical Waste Management (all categories)
Registration for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Registration for Corporate agents
Registration for E- Waste
Registration for Name Reservation of a Foreign Limited Liability Partnership
Registration for Plastic Waste
Registration for Solid Waste Management
Registration for Trade License
Registration for use of the Standard Mark with respect to Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Compulsory Registration Scheme for "Self Declaration of Conformity")
Registration for Web aggrigator
Registration of Boiler/Economizer
Registration of Boilers Manufactures under The Boilers Act, 1923
Registration of Boilers, Economizers and Steam Pipelines
Registration of establishment under the Inter State Migrant Workmen (RE&CS) Act, 1979
Registration of Factories and Issue of license
Registration of Mobile Tower Approval
Registration of motor transport undertaking
Registration of OEMs and Vehicle Models with National Automative Board (NAB)
Registration of Partnership Firms
Registration of principal employer's establishment under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Registration of Reporting Entity (RE) and Registration of Principal Officer with Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU-IND)
Registration of Signage License for advertisement
Registration of Societies
Registration of Trademark
Registration to use “India Handloom” Brand
Registration under National Integrated Database of Hospitality Industry (NIDHI)
Registration under Profession Tax
Registration under The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act, 1996
Registration under The Shops and Establishment Act
Registrations of Medical devices
Renew of NOC of high rise building
Renew of NOC of Highrise Buildings
Renewal (Auto-renewal) of Inter State Migrant Workmen (ISMW)
Renewal for Trade License (Auto-renewal)
Renewal of applications under Construction and Demolition waste Management Rules, 2016
Renewal of Authorization under Hazardous Waste (all categories)
Renewal of Bio-Medical Waste Management
Renewal of Boiler
Renewal of Boilers Manufactures under The Boilers Act, 1923
Renewal of Certificate for recognition as Boiler Erector or Repairer
Renewal of Consent for Operation under Water & Air Act
Renewal of E-Waste
Renewal of Factory license under Factory Act(Auto-renewal)
Renewal of license for contractors under provision of The Contracts Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Renewal of License Issued to Dealer of Weights & Measures
Renewal of License Issued to Manufacturer of Weights & Measures
Renewal of License Issued to Repairer of Weights & Measures
Renewal of License Manufacturing of Drugs
Renewal of Lift/Escalator
Renewal of Mobile Tower Approval
Renewal of Permission / Approval for Mobile Tower Erection
Renewal of Permission / Approval for Mobile Tower Erection
Renewal of Plastic Waste
Renewal of Retail Drugs License
Renewal of Signage License for advertisement
Renewal of Signage License for Advertisements
Renewal of Signage License for Advertisements
Renewal of Solid Waste Management
Renewal of Travel agency permits
Renewal of wholesale Drugs License
Renewal under The Shops and Establishment Act (Auto-Renewal)
Renewal/ Regrant of License for Permanent Cinema or Multiplex
Renewal/Regrant of License for Permanent Cinema or Multiplex
Retail Drugs License
Road Cutting Permission
Road Cutting Permission
Road Cutting Permission
Road Cutting Permission
Road Cutting Permission
Road Cutting Permission
RoHS certificate
Saathi Self Certification
Sewerage connection
Sewerage connection
Signage License for Advertisements
Signage License for Advertisements
Small Scale Industries and Medium Industries are required to register with the District Industries Centre (DIC)
Startup Recognition
Startup registration
Statutory Approval of Electrical Drawings
Statutory Approval of Installation Drawings
STP/ EHTP Scheme Registration / STPI Unit Registration
Submission of Half yearly returns by Contractor
Test licence to manufacture small quantity of Class A (other than non-sterile and non- measuring) or Class B or Class C or Class D of medical devices for test, evaluation, clinical investigations, examination, demonstration or training
Trade License
Trade License
Trade License Renewal (Auto-renewal)
Trade License Renewal (Auto-renewal)
Travel Agency Permits
Tree Cutting
Tree Felling
Trees Transit
Type Approval Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Udyam Registration Certificate (e-Certificate) / MSME (Udyam) Registration / Udhyog Aadhaar Registration of MSMEs
User Registration, New Case filing, e-filing for commercial disputes in Commercial courts
Water Connection
Water Connection
Water supply for Industrial purpose
Wholesale Drugs License
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